Expectations for a Beginner Surfer

Beginner Surf Expectations | Learn How To Surf In 30 Minutes – Episode 10

We made it everyone. This is the last article of the series and I just quickly want to talk about what to expect your first session (or first few sessions).

No matter how many other sports you play or what kind of fitness level you have, expect to have your arms feel like noodles very quickly. You’ll be sore in weird places, surfing uses muscles you don’t normally use. Even if you are the ultimate gym warrior or the girl who runs marathons, surfing will most likely wreck you the first few times.

Don’t expect to be surfing a ton of waves and looking amazing out there. If you catch a couple waves, you did great.

Some people don’t catch waves until they go out a few times, some people take months to catch proper waves.

Everyone learns at a different pace so don’t get frustrated. Learning to surf requires lots of patience, lots of practice, and lots of time in the water understanding the ocean and how to read waves.

Enjoy the process! Before you know it, you’ll be addicted to surfing and planning out where your next surf trip will be.

Thanks for reading and as always feel free shoot me an email with questions. If you are interested in a private surf guide and you are located in San Diego, feel free to hit me up. Good look out there and stay stoked. Yewwwww!